Saturday, February 19, 2011

Diane and Bob's...

The sketchers were invited to Diane and Bob's on a drizzly afternoon.  Judi, Serrafina and Julie and another Diane sketched at the dining room table.  In the corner was this charming orchid filled cart.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Timbuktu? Yes, well, the local one.  It's a coffee bar and gallery in Freeland.  Great spot to eat gluten free delicious goodies, drink great coffee and for the sketchers, to sketch.  Lauren warmly welcomed us last Wednesday.  Caught a sketch of Phyllis sitting opposite in a comfy chair, focusing on her own sketching.

Just Toys

Very little time, a very small piece, less than 6 inches square.   A very short visit to the Greenbank Store in Greenbank, WA on Whidbey resulted in one sketch...a fuzzy bear in a basket of toys. Cute.